Coming soon …
I am busy rewriting a lot of code to make it easy for you to install and run in your own tiki shed. If you would like to help me, send me a message via the contact page.
While this is happening here is a brief Q&A. Feel free to send me any messages via twitter.
What do I need?
The Enchanted Tiki Shed is an off the shelf solution it works using a range of smart lightbulbs from Phillips called Hue. These can be picked up everywhere including Amazon (wait for Black Friday/Prime Day and they are quite cheap).
Apart from a set of lightbulbs you will need a computer and speakers.
At the moment the software is very hands on and requires a knowledge of JavaScript, we hope to remove this requirement and we progress the versions.
What will be open sourced?
The NodeJS source code I use to time the music with the hue system. The source code for all the effects which I write and create. I cannot distribute the sound effects though since I am not the copyright holder for the majority of the music.
I hope to have some written using open source music soon.
How will I be able to create effects?
You will need a system in order to edit sounds (Audicity is a good open source one, but we use Logic Pro to provide the surround sound effects).
From that you will have to get down and dirty with some JavaScript. If you have any experience with coding it will be a breeze, if not it’s going to require some copy and pasting.
When will it be released?
The software isn’t quite ready for prime time. It’s still in early development and can be buggy, but I am looking for beta testers! Use the contact page to get in touch, you will need knowledge of NodeJS and a Github account.